
Peer-reviewed publications in chronological order:

2018 Kalousova, Lucie and Michael Evangelist. “Rent Assistance and Health: Findings from Detroit.” Housing Studies. [link]
2015 Burgard, Sarah A. and Lucie Kalousova. “The Effects of the Great Recession: Health and Well-Being.” Annual Review of Sociology. [link]
 2015 Kalousova, Lucie and Carlos Mendes de Leon. “Increase in Frailty of Older Workers and Retirees Predicted by Negative Psychosocial Working Conditions on the Job.” Social Science & Medicine, 124, 275-283. [link]
 2014 Kalousova, Lucie. “Social Isolation as a Risk Factor for Inadequate Diet of Older Eastern Europeans.” International Journal of Public Health, 59 (2014): 707-714. [link]
 2014 Kalousova, Lucie. “Curing Over-Use by Prescribing Fees: An Evaluation of
the Effect of User Fees Implementation on Healthcare Use in the Czech Republic.” Health Policy and Planning. [link]
 2014 Kalousova, Lucie and Sarah A. Burgard. “Tough Choices in Tough Times: Debt and Medication Non-Adherence.” Health Education & Behavior, 41 (2014): 155-163. [link]
 2014 Kalousova, Lucie and Sarah A. Burgard. “Unemployment, Measured and Perceived Decline of Economic Resources: Contrasting Three Measures of Recessionary Hardships and their Implications for Adopting Negative Health Behaviors.” Social Science & Medicine, 54 (2014): 28-34. [link]
 2013 Kalousova, Lucie and Sarah A. Burgard. “Debt and Foregone Medical Care.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 54 (2013): 203-219. [link]
 2013 Burgard, Sarah A., Ailshire, Jennifer A., and Lucie Kalousova. “The Great Recession and Health: People, Populations and Disparities.” The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 650 (2013): 194-213. [link]
 2012 Burgard, Sarah A., Kalousova, Lucie, and Kristin S. Seefeldt. “Perceived Job Insecurity and Health: The Michigan Recession and Recovery Study.” Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 54 (2012): 1101-1106. [link]